PubSmart technology is Mill City Press’s proprietary book publishing solution, developed specifically to ensure that your book moves through the publishing process smoothly, efficiently, and effectively. Think of it as a self-contained project management tool.

Because authors need a publishing plan tailored to their books, PubSmart can adapt itself to your unique publishing journey, keeping your project on track and on time. It accomplishes that in a number of ways.

Easier Communication

With PubSmart, you’ll have access to your Message Center, which allows you to communicate directly with each department (e.g., design, editing, distribution) and keeps all your messages organized and searchable. You’ll never need to frantically search through your inbox for that message you know you sent, with the information you need right now, again.

Better Guidance through the Self-Publishing Process

PubSmart keeps you involved, moving you step-by-step through the process of producing your book so you always know where you are and what to do next. This step-by-step guidance also allows you to track all versions of your manuscript during each stage (e.g., editing, cover design, interior layout, marketing, and distribution).

PubSmart saves every file you upload to it, as well as the files we create for you.

Trouble-Free Book Sales and Reporting

Having your book available to separate retailers and wholesalers means that tracking your royalties and profit once your book’s been published can be a hassle. PubSmart consolidates sales and reporting, reducing the need to compile it yourself.

Real-Time Book Tracking

If your book is in expanded distribution, PubSmart can provide you with the current number of books stored in our warehouse, as well as notify you when your inventory dips below a number of your choosing—making it easier for you to know when it’s time to order more books.

Integrated Direct Book Sales

Sell your book directly to readers using PubSmart’s consumer-direct shopping cart. Whether you have a print book, an ebook, or both, you’ll be able to sell all versions through a direct-to-reader sales page—putting more money in your pocket. You’ll also have the ability to set an unlimited number of promotional codes for your customers.

In short, the infinite flexibility of the PubSmart platform allows authors and their teams to handle every phase of the publishing process efficiently and effectively.

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