Print & eBook Publishing Base Plan – $2,099

Your publishing plan with Mill City Press is customized based on the needs of you and your book, and will always include the following services.

Manuscript Cleanup and Preparation

As part of this service, we clean up your manuscript’s formatting so that it meets our guidelines. That way, your manuscript will easily move through the editing and interior layout stages of the publishing process.

Custom Interior Layout Design

A professional interior layout gives your book a competitive edge. A front cover isn’t the only part of a book readers will judge by its appearance. As part of our collaborative design process, you will fill out a questionnaire about your interior layout preferences that will help your designer determine:

  • The best way to make your interior visually cohesive with your cover
  • An appropriate typeface for your book’s genre and style
  • A unique design for your chapter openers
  • The style and content of your running heads
  • Page number placement
  • Solutions for special formatting your book might need

We’ll then format a sample chapter of your book based on your design preferences to make sure we are on the right track in creating the book you envisioned. Once you’re happy with the sample format of your book, we will go ahead and layout the full interior.

ISBN and Barcode
If you’re not purchasing your own block of 10 ISBNs, Mill City Press provides an ISBN for you, along with the barcode that’s placed on the back cover.

100% Rights and Royalties
Most importantly, at Mill City Press, you keep 100% of your rights and royalties. You’ll receive the source files for everything we create for you, and you take home the net revenue of every book you sell.


Ready to build your plan? Click here to see popular publishing plans.

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