woman typing on iPhone and social media hearts and likes floating up from the phone; marketing your self-published book on social media

Social media is a powerful tool for self-published authors to market their books. With millions of potential readers at your fingertips, you’re going to want to utilize social media platforms to promote your work. So, take the time to build momentum and significantly enhance your online presence and visibility, and you may find even more opportunities for book promotion and reader engagement.

Keep reading for our tips on how to market your self-published book on social media.

1. Set Aside the Time

Devoting time to market your self-published book on social media is the first step. Schedule dedicated time slots daily or weekly to concentrate on implementing your social media marketing strategies. It takes time to build an audience (if you don’t already have one), and consistently showing up is a vital part of winning on social media.

2. Brand Your Accounts

Let’s start with the basics and focus on setting up your social media accounts.

If You Already Have a Following, Rebrand Your Social Media Accounts

If you already have a larger social media audience, you may want to rebrand or simply start sharing more about your book. This will easily enhance your book’s visibility and increase its recognition among your current audience.

This strategic approach to rebranding will not only amplify your book’s reach but also strengthen your author brand and establish you as an authority in your genre. So, take the opportunity to introduce and position yourself as an author on your social media accounts.

Create New Social Media Profiles If You Don’t Have Them

If you don’t already have social media profiles, it’s time to create them. Choose platforms that are popular among your target audience, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter (X), and LinkedIn. Having a presence on multiple platforms will help you reach a wider audience.

Set Your Accounts as Creator or Business Social Media Accounts

When setting up your social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram specifically, you will want to select a “Creator” or “Business” account type. Doing so gives you access to analytics and other features that help steer your overall social media strategy.

Add a Catchy Bio to Your Profiles

Craft an attention-grabbing bio for each of your social media profiles. Include an interesting tidbit or two about yourself, a brief description of your self-published book, your writing style, and a call to action that encourages people to buy your book. Keywords and hashtags that are relevant to your genre can also help you attract the right audience.

Link to Where People Can Buy Your Book

Make it easy for people to purchase your self-published book by including direct links to online retailers or your website in your social media profiles. Doing so may naturally increase the likelihood of converting interested readers into buyers.

3. Create Your Content

Show Your Face and Your Personality

Readers love to connect with authors on a personal level. So, share photos and videos of yourself and allow readers to put a face to the name. Be authentic and show off your personality to create a genuine connection with your audience.

Suggestions for What to Share

As a writer and author, you have insight into an industry that’s a little secretive to people who haven’t written and published a book. This naturally makes your experience interesting to others. Here are some ideas on what you can share with your social media audience:

  • A fun hobby or talent you have
  • Behind the scenes of your writing and publishing process
  • Book trailers
  • Book unboxing videos
  • Collaborations with other authors, bloggers, or bookstagrammers in your genre
  • Cover reveals
  • Host a live Q+A session
  • Other book recommendations
  • Pets
  • Photos and videos of readers with your book
  • Photos with readers
  • Publicize your book’s pre-order campaign
  • Quotes from your books
  • Readers’ reviews of your book
  • Shareable content
  • Show your workspace
  • Upcoming book readings and signing events
  • What inspired you as you wrote your book
  • Writing tips
  • Your family and friends

4. Remember To Be Social

Post Consistently

When it comes to engaging your audience on social media, consistency is important. We recommend creating a content calendar and sticking to a regular posting schedule.

Interact With Followers

Engage with your followers by responding to comments, answering questions, and participating in discussions. Build a genuine connection with your audience to foster loyalty and encourage word-of-mouth recommendations of your self-published book.

Host a Book Giveaway

A book giveaway is a great way to attract new readers and generate some buzz for your book. Encourage participants to share your post and tag their friends for a chance to win a signed copy of your book. This will increase your reach and create excitement for your book.

Keep Feeding Content to Your Audience

Even after your book is published, you’ll want to continue to share valuable content with your audience. Also, when you keep your audience engaged, you’re better able to maintain their interest and support for future endeavors.


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