Building up to branch out

Building up your social network so that your social media works for you, and not against you, is so important. As authors, your fans are constantly looking for book release details, giveaways, blog posts, and just general updates on what your daily life looks like. Having consistent, effective social media posts can help expand your audience and keep them happy.

Realistic not radical

Keeping your posts realistic will add a sense of attainability to your social media sites. Most of us are not living Kardashian-esque style lives, so keep it real. Maintaining transparency and lightness about what your life actually looks like will only help build trust with your fanbase. I’m not saying you should avoid posting that beautiful avocado toast you had at Sunday brunch; we all really want to see that! Just don’t be bashful about posting real life meal pictures as well (you know, that sloppy meatloaf you meal prepped over the weekend).

Use them as intended and with intention

It is best to utilize all of the basic social media sites if you are really trying to grow your audience. I recommend Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram as your foundation. Each of these outlets calls for something different. Twitter is a play by play, “real-time” social media network whereas Instagram is a place to showcase your lifestyle through photos. Facebook is best used for creating events, private groups, or posting longer, more in-depth content. Use each of these outlets as they are intended and post content with intention, and you’ll have greater success.

Consistency is key

Finally, keep it consistent. Posting to this many different outlets can be challenging, so utilize something like HootSuite or Buffer to schedule posts. In an ideal world, your Facebook followers will know and anticipate something from you on Wednesday in light of “Writer Wednesday.” And your Instagram followers will know that on Thursday you have a really long day, so take-out dinner and a movie on the couch are as wild as your Thursdays get. Obviously these are just random examples, but the point is, if people know what to expect and when to expect it, they are more likely to interact with your content.

Social media is constantly growing. It is the key to staying “relevant” with your fans as well as connected to them. Do yourself a favor, and make sure you are using it effectively!

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