robot hand holding a lightbulb; AI-Powered Writing Assistants

As technology evolves, AI-powered writing assistants have become increasingly popular for companies and individuals to use. These tools offer a range of benefits, including saving time, improving accuracy, and providing helpful content suggestions. Many companies and writers, however, are concerned about how using AI-powered writing assistants can impact their credibility.

What is an AI-Powered Writing Assistant?

AI-writing assistants are software programs or apps that use artificial intelligence (AI) to assist in the writing process. These tools range from simple grammar checkers to more advanced writing assistants that can produce sentences and paragraphs worth of content based on what you ask it to write.

Some of the most popular AI writing assistants include Grammarly, ProWritingAid, ChatGPT, and Hemingway Editor, as well as Microsoft Word’s and Google Docs’ built-in grammar checker. These tools offer a range of features from basic grammar and spelling checks to more advanced suggestions for style, tone, and content revisions.

How Can AI Writing Assistants Be Used by Writers?

Writers most commonly use AI as a proofreading tool, which dates back to the earliest version of Microsoft Word’s spelling and grammar check. These assistants identify grammatical errors, spelling errors, and other small mistakes that might be missed by the writer.

More advanced AI-writing programs can also be used to improve the overall quality of a piece of writing. By suggesting edits to sentence structure, word choice, and writing tone, writers can produce higher quality content.

How to Keep Your Writing Credibility While Using AI-Powered Writing Assistants

While AI writing assistants can be incredibly helpful, writers also need to be careful just how much work they allow writing assistants to do for them. Here are some tips for maintaining your credibility using AI writing assistants.

Write Your Own Manuscript

As writers, we often turn to AI writing assistants to help us refine our writing, make it more engaging, and improve our overall style. While AI writing tools can be incredibly helpful, it’s important to remember that they should never take the place of your writing. AI-powered tools are meant to be used as a supplement to your writing—not a replacement for it. So, tools like ChatGPT should not be used to write your entire manuscript for you.

Ultimately, your manuscript needs to reflect your creativity, unique voice, style, and personality. After all, it’s your writing that sets you apart from other writers and makes your work original. While AI writing assistants can help you refine your writing, it’s up to you to ensure that your manuscript is a representation of your unique perspective and experience.

Use AI to Check Your Writing

Writing assistants can be incredibly useful during the revision stage of your writing process. They can help catch grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and other language-related issues in your writing. It’s important, however, to remember that they are not infallible and should not be the only tool you use to improve your writing. Don’t blindly accept revisions suggested by your AI writing assistant. Use your judgment to determine if the suggestion is correct.

AI assistants also do not take the place of a professional editor. A highly skilled editor will always make better determinations about your work than AI-generated help. AI can only produce suggestions based on information it already has programmed within it. Whereas editors have a strong skill set and years of professional experience to help them make better decisions about a manuscript’s overall flow, sentence structure, word choice, passive voice, and more.

To produce high-quality work, it’s important to take the time to review your writing yourself, make necessary edits, and hire a professional editor to review and revise your work. This will not only help you catch mistakes that AI missed, but it’ll also help you refine your writing style and voice.

Get Outlining Help With AI

Outlining is a vital part of the writing process. An outline serves as a framework for your work and helps you organize your thoughts and ideas in a way that makes sense. It can also help you identify gaps in your thinking and ensure that you have all the necessary information to support your topics.

With the creation of AI, generating an outline has become easier than ever. AI-powered tools, like Grammarly, can help you create an outline, which reduces the time and effort you spend on the outline. It’s important, however, to remember that the outline should be your work.

While AI can be a helpful tool, it cannot replace your discernment and topical expertise. You need to be careful not to rely too heavily on the tool. Take time to determine what information should be included and what should be left out of your outline.


AI-writing assistants can be incredibly helpful for writers, but you’ll need to be responsible while using them. By following our tips, you can use AI writing assistants to improve your writing without sacrificing your credibility.

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