Mill City Press Blog2020-05-18T04:13:37+00:00

How to Do Book Research Before Writing Fiction?

Research is crucial for a novel for many reasons. When you research, you ensure your story is accurate and believable. If you include details about a specific time, profession, or location, you’ll need to do research to ensure your descriptions are true and realistic. This

By |September 20th, 2023|Fiction|0 Comments

The Dos and Don’ts of Motivating Yourself to Write a Book

Motivation and discipline are important factors in writing a book. It’s not uncommon, however, for writers to experience difficulties in maintaining their motivation during the writing process. That said, there are several strategies writers can use to keep themselves motivated and on track. Setting goals,

By |September 13th, 2023|Creative Living|0 Comments

Word Counts By Genre: How Long Should a Book Be?

If you're a writer, you know that word counts can be important. They determine whether your book fits into a specific genre, or whether it's too long or too short for a particular reading audience. In this post, we'll explore the importance of word counts

By |August 30th, 2023|Self-Publishing, Writing a Book|0 Comments

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