The wild world of self-publishing never stops. That’s why every Friday, we share the best of what our staff has been reading this week.

Build a Writing Brand That Rocks: Quick Social Media Tips for Writers (Part 2) from Jessica Lawlor

Quick tips to grow your brand on the most prominent social media platforms.

How Writers Can Use Amazon’s “Look Inside” Feature to Get More Sales from Elizabeth Spann Craig

“Since most authors see the most sales on Amazon, and particularly through the Kindle Store, it behooves us to learn all the tricks to optimizing our product pages to entice customers to buy.”

How To Write an Incredible Amazon Description from Jordan Smith

Learn the best tricks to writing a killer Amazon description for your book.

Tackle Instagram: Instagram for Authors: My First 6 Months from Belinda Pollard

To Instagram or not to Instagram, that is the question. Read one author’s journey into the photo-sharing platform, and why you might want to hop on the ‘gram train too.

How to Write a Fantastic Author Newsletter from Jordan Smith

Running out of content ideas for your blog, or just plain sick of blogging? Try writing a monthly newsletter—it can save you time while still keeping you engaged and fresh in the eyes of your readers.

6 Tips To Avoid and Fix Bad Writing from Jordan Smith

Bad writing is a good thing because it means you’re at least out there writing. Follow these 6 steps to turn your bad writing into better writing.

 Indie Publishing Paths: What’s Your Reader Retention from Jami Gold and Janice Hardy

How do you keep readers’ attention long after they’ve finished your book? Here are a few tips that work.

Why You Should Join All Social Media Networks from Jane Friedman

Even if you’re social media-fatigued, here are some reasons why you should sign up for new platforms immediately.

Happy reading!

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