
Traditional Distribution – $1,559

Want to have the opportunity to see your book in bookstores? Traditional Distribution is the distribution option for you. Along with your detailed marketing plan, we’ll present your book to book buyers and wholesalers who have a direct line to retail stores.

Traditional Distribution is also uniquely suited for children’s book authors, authors who require specialty printing options, or authors who wish to print a lot of books at once in order to price them more competitively.

As part of the Traditional Distribution service, our distributor will not only handle all incoming orders for your title, but they’ll also send copies of your book and its marketing materials to the buyers at Barnes & Noble, Ingram, Baker & Taylor, and Follett. Plus, books are sold to—and stocked directly with—Amazon.com and BN.com.

You’ll also be enrolled in our Returns Program for two years. With this service, the distributor will process all returned copies of your book that come from wholesalers or retailers. This program is vital in terms of getting your book stocked in brick-and-mortar bookstores, as they typically only carry books marked as “returnable.”

You don’t even need to order hundreds of books to participate in our Traditional Distribution Program—you can begin by printing as few as 75 copies.

Is Traditional Distribution right for you? Our distribution resource in the Author Learning Center can help you decide.


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