Facebook Advertising Campaign – $659
Get your book in front of the readers most likely to buy it. With targeted Facebook advertising, we’ll help you find your core audience on Facebook based on the ages, locations, and profile interests of its users.
After we’ve researched and determined your target audience, we’ll create ads to maximize your Facebook exposure. Every time someone clicks on one of your ads, they’ll be sent to your book’s Facebook page or your author website. (The number of times users are redirected to your Facebook page or website is how Facebook tracks the amount you pay for advertising.) The first $200 worth of advertising is included, although you can always choose to increase the size of your advertising budget.
At the end of the campaign, we’ll generate a report for you. The report will cover how much was spent, the number of people who clicked on your ads, and how users interacted with your page.
Here are examples of a few Facebook ad styles:

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