Twitter Profile – $399

The book community loves to spend time on Twitter, and having a presence there will help you build your author platform so that potential fans can easily find and follow you.

We’ll develop a professional and polished Twitter profile and reserve your Twitter handle,which is commonly structured like this: @authorname. If your name is unavailable or contains too many characters, we’ll help you find a username that works. Below is an example of a header and profile image for an author’s Twitter page:

We’ll set you up with a social media planner to use as an organizational tool that allows you to plan your tweets for a daily, weekly, or monthly posting schedule. Managing a social media page on a weekly basis becomes much easier when you can simply select and post content you’ve already developed.

We’ll also provide you with Twitter for Authors, a step-by-step guide on how to effectively use Twitter to promote your book. It covers common Twitter terminology, Twitter etiquette, and tips on how to find and interact with your audience. To help you manage your Twitter account, we’ll even set you up with TweetDeck, a social media tool specifically for Twitter.


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