Goodreads Profile – $399

Be where 30 million readers are: Goodreads. On Goodreads, users read and review books, and make lists of books they want to read. To connect with your potential readers, garner reviews, and promote your book, you’ll want a Goodreads profile.

For your book’s Goodreads page, we’ll add all necessary information about your book, including the cover image, synopsis, author website link, publication date, and book specifications.

We’ll also develop your Goodreads author page and set up your author profile, making you an official Goodreads Author. The more information you add, the more your readers can learn about you. Items you can add include:

  • Biographical information
  • Your literary influences
  • Favorite quotes
  • Books you have read, are reading, or want to read
  • Blog posts

If you have a print book, we’ll also host a giveaway of three copies. Book giveaways are a great way to increase exposure and create excitement among readers who want the chance to win a copy. Finally, we add your book to six existing Goodreads Listopia lists that relate to your book’s genre, subject matter, and theme. This will help readers find your book based on their unique reading interests.


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