
Print-On-Demand with Returns – $799

Make your print-on-demand (POD) book more attractive to booksellers by enrolling in the POD with Returns Program. Booksellers typically won’t take the risk of selling a book whose inventory they can’t return, so POD with Returns is a great option if you intend to ask booksellers to carry your book in their stores.

POD with Returns lets you mark your returned books as “deliver” or “destroy.” You pay the wholesale value of the book, and if it’s marked “deliver,” you’ll be responsible for a $2.00 warehouse pass-through fee and the cost of shipping the book back to you. If your book is listed as “destroy,” you’ll only be responsible for the wholesale value, and the book will be recycled.

Our POD with Returns Program manages this process for the first year your title is in print.

Is POD Distribution right for you? Our resource about the types of print distribution in the Author Learning Center can help you decide.


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